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anytka50Дата: Пятница, 2007-01-12, 5:29 PM | Сообщение # 1
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Сообщений: 321
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Ребята, давайте жить дружно!!!

Сообщение отредактировал anytka50 - Среда, 2007-03-14, 6:01 PM
AcittypoisessДата: Четверг, 2013-03-28, 2:05 PM | Сообщение # 286
Группа: Гости

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Группа: Гости

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Группа: Гости

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Группа: Гости

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Группа: Гости

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Группа: Гости

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Группа: Гости

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Группа: Гости

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Группа: Гости

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Группа: Гости

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IntofffubДата: Суббота, 2013-03-30, 6:17 PM | Сообщение # 298
Группа: Гости

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Группа: Гости

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Robert H?ltschiДата: Воскресенье, 2013-03-31, 6:49 AM | Сообщение # 300
Группа: Гости

The financial institution confesses to make sure you scheming to control premiums, frequently trying to keep them synthetically large and / or small, to increase net income looking at the derivatives and cash sell investing recreation dating back to 2006. Specialists express over a dozen RBS potential traders world wide in place in this particular against the law process, even after these learned that specialists used to be examining Libor truly.鈥淚t will be extraordinary which often RBS staff members attempted to go across the legislations. They will functioned since that they were the entrepreneurs for the galaxy plus the regulations associated with reasonable take up only just didn鈥檛 utilize,鈥?claimed Bart Chilton, a commissioner with the Product Commodities Investing Compensation. Typically the compensation was in fact the first one to expose evidence this a thing is wrong when using the rates heading dating back to July 2004. Libor functions as an ordinary interest meant for financial loans relating to mortgage lenders and as any benchmark more than $360 trillion on finance to help you organisations and consumers.In the length in the '08 financial crisis, 14 banks, including Lender in The united states, HSBC and JPMorgan, published files to set the particular routine Libor. That facts had been gathered regarding the actual British Bankers鈥?Affiliation just by Thompson Reuters, of which calculates all the earnings in addition to devises the actual Libor. Critics with the method mention there isn't sufficiently openness inside the way in which financial institutions establish his / her day-to-day interest rates, which inturn makes the method available to sham. Specialists on both aspects of the Ocean are looking for techniques to increase process, even though eat - michael kors outlet that world鈥檚 stock markets keep using chance.Government bodies proclaim RBS appeared to be component of an even greater conspiracy theory so that you can muck around by means of Libor additionally, the Dollar interbank supplied fee, or Euribor. Forex traders for the loan company labored in concert with its furnishings at UBS to govern Switzerland Franc Libor, in line with the CFTC order.RBS wanted to pay $325 thousand to the monetary fee and the other $137 , 000, 000 in order to Britain鈥檚 Budgetary Assistance Expert to its behavior. The bank account will likely shell out $150 - toms shoes outlet million with the Proper rights Program.In the regretful assertion, RBS Chairman Philip Hampton claimed 鈥渢his is known as a - Longchamp Bags heartbroken day鈥?for your commercial lender and even known which usually 鈥渢here were definitely major faults in the units along with equipment and in the integrity of your select few our people.鈥?Most of 21 individuals implicated while in the inspection need either confronted disciplinary motion or simply left the with not a bonu - Fake Oakley Sunglasses s with in order to admit defeat any sort of great history incentive cash incentives.The in the trading markets in addition to worldwide deposit category, John Hourican, in addition has resigned provided by his own job. Although officials within RBS suggest - christian louboutin outlet Hourican had basically no expertise in that rate-rigging pattern, his / her departure set in acceptance which often treatment failed to detect the trouble.鈥淲e really have to take care of the actual customs around the depositing enterprise,鈥?Hampton pointed out. 鈥淭he key to that is certainly .鈥?鈥? performing arts with the help of dependability. And it likewise will require contending with about your Bank鈥檚 recent foibles, it doesn't matter how uncomfortable that is.鈥滼ustice has got presented rigorous inspection of that taking on of financial enterprises accused of breaking the law. Naysayers repeat the agency provides slipped less than its jobs just by failing to insert all more mature professionals in jail. Nevertheless division suggests that this may need to think about the would-be outcome of arrest indictments for the well-being of your corporations and the generally economic system. Barclays was in fact the very first loan provider that will fess as much as it is part in the rate-fixing scandal found in 06, anytime the application consented to fork out $450 mil to pay back suggestions. Switzerland savings giant UBS implemented its lead within February through marketing to the latest $1.5 thousand payment with overseas police, which included that indictment of a couple of it really is people including a in the wrong plea from it has the Thai additional.

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