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anytka50Дата: Пятница, 2007-01-12, 5:29 PM | Сообщение # 1
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Ребята, давайте жить дружно!!!

Сообщение отредактировал anytka50 - Среда, 2007-03-14, 6:01 PM
kingxRixДата: Четверг, 2013-10-17, 4:17 PM | Сообщение # 766
Группа: Гости

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Группа: Гости

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suoenbnhДата: Пятница, 2013-10-18, 2:17 AM | Сообщение # 768
Группа: Гости

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Группа: Гости

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germothzДата: Пятница, 2013-10-18, 12:19 PM | Сообщение # 770
Группа: Гости

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jptmcbstДата: Пятница, 2013-10-18, 4:12 PM | Сообщение # 771
Группа: Гости

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carpinteyrotriДата: Пятница, 2013-10-18, 11:50 PM | Сообщение # 772
Группа: Гости

Last Saturday saw the discharge in the coveted Air Yeezy 2s at Melbourne boutique Sure Store. With dedicated sneakerheads listed since 8am Friday to queue to the glowing grails, some killed time with impromptu card games, building forts away from discarded milk crates or maybe in true of one sleep-deprived die-hard, studying to have an upcoming chemistry exam! After being awarded raffle tickets at 4am, the chosen few reconvened at Sure for the 7pm battle for any Yeezys. Without everyone might home having a pair of Kanye’s kicks under their arm, all who managed to make it down went home a success by using a goodie bag including Sneaker Freaker Issue 24 and heaps more. Look at the pics below for all of the action<a href="">tenis asics</a><a href="">Puma Footwear</a>

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Добавлено (2013-10-18, 10:23 PM)
Name: Big BoiInstagram: @therealbigboiFavourite hashtag: #checkyafootworkBrand preferred by: JordanStaple pair: Jordan 4 BredSurprises: Crocs, Jordan slides‘Jeans, Jordans. Number threes, that’s important.’ Big Boi, AKA?General Antwan Patton or Sir Luscious Left Foot (and lots of other self-nominated nicknames), doled out this style advice in his song?Mama Laughed and said and he lives by it. Being half of Outkast and the other whole of an mega popular rhymer means you will get to flaunt your shoe swag an affordable bit, on stage, in videos additionally, on the road. Big Boi knows we’re watching what’s warming his twinkle toes and then he makes our everyday life a whole lot easier by going hard on the Instagram selfies and copping new heat for the very reg. He certainly knows what he likes too, he’s a Jordanhead through via and rocks a myriad of retros; repeat offenders add the Jordan 3, 4, 5 and seven. Left Foot ain’t no monogamist though, Converse have helped him celebrate his album release by creating pimped-out Chucks then one Stars, and his awesome fondness for plush Jordan slides and spongey Crocs shows he’s a proper man of leisure. Experience the massive gallery of his sneaker and sock style above, mostly cheated the man’s awesome Instragram account (you need to be following), and view a clip of Patton showing us through his diverse collection below<a href="">Adidas F50</a><a href="">Classic Reebok Shoes</a>

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Добавлено (2013-10-18, 10:37 PM)
Brisvegas may be to the come-up going back several years due to one humble streetwear store often known as Laced and its two-man team Phill and Clint. The fellas have kept Brisneyland decked head-to-toe inside the finest threads with a tonne of effort, they've got now made their stock available online because of their sparkling new website. What sets this crew apart is unflinching passion for the scene, which has allowed them to stay even killing the pack without losing their roots. We caught up along with them for the comedown off their Yeezy launch because they nursed callused fingers from frantically receiving the Laced website live!Hey boys, how¡¯s Brisvegas kickin¡¯ along?Orsum! Can¡¯t fault it really… great weather as well as the fishing¡¯s good! Just kidding we don¡¯t get time to go fishing (sigh…frowny face!)<a href="">Cheap Puma Shoes</a><a href="">Adidas Shoes Cheap</a>

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Добавлено (2013-10-18, 11:26 PM)
HONG KONG SNEAKER ST (MONG KOK) To seal? | Sneaker Freaker
Many cities around the world have suburbs famous for an individual retail industry, just like the Akihabara electronics district in Tokyo and London’s Saville Row. Then there’s diamonds district in NYC as well as famous lady boys from Pingpong Road, Bangkok – how these areas start and prosper can be quite a mystery, but there’s one enigma close to me will give you all today and that’s the planet famous Sneaker Street in Hong a HK local, I am constantly quizzed by visitors, ‘Can anyone help me get the best club, monkey-brain restaurant, low-rent hookers etc’. But the question My business is ALWAYS asked without fail is, ‘How the hell can i find Sneaker Street?’ It’s considered one of Hong Kong’s most popular cultural attractions and for that good your map reading skills are, among the list of hardest to uncover for located at the suburb of Mong Kok to the Kowloon side of Hong Kong, Sneaker Street (or by its real name, Fa Yuen Street) is just one of three central shopping hot spots in conjunction with Causeway Bay and Tsim Sha Tsui. One of the popular misconceptions is the fact it’s a continuing strip lined with sneaker stores. The truth is, Sneaker Street is usually a 150-metre square block beginning at Argyle St and ending at Dundas St. Still, the sheer various product plus the number of footwear stores will make it unique on the earth<a href="">Asics Running?Shoes</a><a href="">Nike Shoes for Men</a>

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Добавлено (2013-10-18, 11:28 PM)
Style purveyors Stussy and sportswear overlords Nike have jumped back in the mincer to produce a collection for those that like mountaineering swag but can’t live without their morning chai latte. The S&S Off Mountain Series brings style and flair to rugged wear flipping the Mogan II, Lunar Braata Mid and Dunk with tricked out schemes. Reminiscent of the ACG range, the S&S collection incorporates ‘Mad Flavor’ with ‘No Vanilla’ all over the three hiking laced, speckled silhouettes. The sand, snow, street inspired collection also features a spread of tees, sweats and headwear. So, do a bit of overtime immediately and stack that coin because it’s here we are at some traction! The S&S range might be available across select retailers from October 13<a href="">cheap jordan shoes</a><a href="">nike outlet online</a>

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Добавлено (2013-10-18, 11:40 PM)
It’s always a nice refreshing change to view a sneaker collector so loyal to one brand – and in some cases one model for instance. To help you imagine our excitement if we stumbled across UK head Dean Morris, aka Sneakerphile. Having nearly chalked up several years of receiving full payment for the intense tip, Morris’ love of the rubber-toed Superstar has catapulted this kooky customiser on the stratosphere. An important an associate , Sneakerphile has quickly risen inside the ranks of adidas Superstar customisers, accumulating a burgeoning roster of clients, all fiending for his airbrushed goodness. We caught up with all the comic book-loving, BMX-thrashing, adi nutter to obtain the 411 on just why those three little stripes call him up go boom boom pow!Waddup Deano, show us a little bit about you and exactly how you still have into sneaker collecting? Well, i am Dean Morris, in case you are looking for the sneaks, my handle is Sneakerphile. I’m 34 (35 in November) and that i guess I've been collecting approximately 8-10 years. We've always stood a soft place for sneakers, no matter if I became in high school graduation. In fact, my very first pair of adidas were some of white Torsions, that i copped when they first was released around 1990. Whenever i started working full-time, I bought the odd two of sneaks every now and then, nevertheless the obsession hadn’t fully taken root. Then, when I started my last job in 2000, I had created a little more money to experience with, and so i have a few more pairs. I’ve never settled on a single brand – I’ve mostly became what looked great for me during the time. I had been somewhat of an impulse buyer (still am sometimes!). In 2001, a friend in the office who was simply also heavily into sneaks persuaded me into some internet retailers, especially , as well as madness really began after that<a href="">nike dunk high</a><a href="">Cheap Adidas for Sale</a>

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Добавлено (2013-10-18, 11:42 PM)
Corgishoe could be the ultimate man of mystery! You won't be familiar with him, however if you¡¯re an accurate head, you¡¯d be familiar with his ridunkulous collection that may be so chunky, you'll be able to carve it. At long last count, the rickety-piled boxes reached a mammoth 2000 pairs, but after inhaling enough leather and suede to fly high for decades, Corgi was required to begin sneaker rehab. Having amassed this museum of madness over 10 years, Corgi made the cold turkey decision to trade off his entire Nike collection, one couple of sneakers during a period. With plenty of heat to melt the Artic, we wanted to access the centre on this insanity and collar Corgi by hard-ass questions, doubts we can easily make him stop referring to his damn dogs! Is he barking mad? Woof! Woof!Yo Corgi, waddup! How¡¯s things crackin¡¯ in LA?Get up. I¡¯m looking forward to in 2010<a href="">tenis asics</a><a href="">Puma Footwear</a>

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Добавлено (2013-10-18, 11:47 PM)
THE BIZ! HARRY OH (K-SWISS) | Sneaker Freaker
From humble beginnings focusing on the floor of his Pop’s shoe store, Harry Oh was going to enter into the biz. Like a sponge, he ingested every ounce of knowledge and enrolled with the Pasadena Art Centre College of Design, which generated a coveted internship with K-Swiss. A few years later, Harry is actually graced with the illustrious title of Senior Designer, meaning he oversees a group of technical tinkers on a pursuit for consider the five-stripes right into a totally new era. Remember kids, there isn't any ‘i’ in team leadership!So, Harry, show us a bit about you. Where have you been based?I’m actually situated in Westlake Village, California. It’s around 30 miles up north of downtown LA<a href="">Adidas Soccer Shoes</a><a href="">Discount Reebok Shoes</a>

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Добавлено (2013-10-18, 11:50 PM)
Driven by an ardent appreciation for your silhouette’s simplicity and design, fans of Nike’s new Roshe Run are feverishly snatching up pairs of your elegantly stark, low-cost sneakers. A young contender for launch of the entire year perhaps? Here’s some of the rainbow of colors coming at us next year. There’s digicamo, plush suede and canvas premium joints and even a trail boot!The brainchild of Nike Sportswear designer Dylan Raasch, the Roshe Run is often a sneaker scaled to the barest of basics. With the name drawn from? ‘Roshi’ – the title commonly bestowed upon a Zen master – the shoe draws inspiration from the Zen garden. With the outsole evoking carefully laid stepping stones as well as an insole mimicking a freshly raked rock garden, the Roshe Run represents an interplay of serious and playful design. With an eye to keeping costs low and carbon footprints small, the standard method of having a sole using a cushioned mid and rubber bottom was eschewed for any single-foamed unit that was both durable and comfortable, thus reducing manufacturing costs. Using a small amount of two-toned palettes now available, we look ahead towards the rest of 2012 to check out the soulful sneakers flip some fresh new fabrics. Browse the detailed interview with Raasch from How To Make It. Extra pics via Counter Kicks and Zzazin<a href="">puma ferrari</a><a href="">adidas shoes for women</a>

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jackgRixДата: Суббота, 2013-10-19, 5:54 AM | Сообщение # 773
Группа: Гости

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